
Teaching training journal_4_About family

Learning goals:
Students will:
- review the basic vocabulary about places preposition.
- learn how to say a timetable in English.
- practice on taking personal details from a client, fixing an appointment (date and time)
-know the basic vocabulary about family
- different kind of families (nuclear family, extended families, single parent family, rainbow family)
- work on strategy about the case "Kramer vs Kramer"

The today activity were in pair followed by a presentation in prezi about families.
Here is the presentation:

activity 1:
- order and instructions in town a) and b)
- pair work: a phone call for a social worker.
- pair brainstorming about family vocabulary
- presentation in prezi and plenum discussion about definitions
- pair work: build a strategy on the case "Kramer vs Kramer"

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