Handy, Charles (1989) The Age of Reason, Century Hutchinson
"A curriculum is a normative document (or collection of documents) setting the framework for planning learning experiences. Depending on the country, the type of education and training, and the institution curricula may define, among other learning outcomes, objectives, contents, place and duration of learning, teaching and assessment methods to a greater or to a lesser extent. The learning program is written document planning learning experiences in a specific learning setting.It is developed on the basis of the curriculum and takes into account learner´s needs." (in Learning outcomes approach in VET, Luxembourg, Publication of EU 2010)
In many states the general goals are decided by the government. For
instance here in Finland it is the Ministry of
Education which decides over 53 vocational upper
secondary qualifications and 119 study programs. Here in Finland it is exactly like this. Teachers can apply different
methods to get to the goals.
When we speak about curriculum we naturally speak about learning outcomes: how then the curriculum directs the development of studies? Curriculum is increasingly seen by stakeholders as dynamic framework...but is it like this in all European countries and outside Europe? I can´t now speak about all countries and their curricula but I can give general thoughts about how much the curriculum follows and guides the studies. I would recognize that curriculum is not only for improving the human capital potential of educational and training graduates but also I am thinking the other side of the coin: can a curriculum be one of the greatest obstacles on the educational system for the labor market? And what about the assessment? Is it going to be the curriculum as the frame for the assessment or is it vice versa? If we consider the learning outcomes when we develop a curriculum we must also evaluate the students’ learning, the understanding and also if the students are able to apply the knowledge and the skills to the labor market. For teachers, usually when a curriculum is built on the knowledge, skills and competences that learners can acquire through an interdisciplinary approach, it is more challenging than traditional approaches but also more flexible.
Teacher - as in Finland - can tailor the approach on the needs of the learner and applying innovative pedagogic and assessment procedures. For learners it is even better because they have opportunity to learn actively and see the progression in the studies and the integration in the labor market.
When we speak about curriculum we also speak about evaluation. Assessments are meant to improve the learning and teaching process: Assessment FOR learning occurs when teachers use inferences about students’ progress to inform their teaching; assessment AS learning - occurs when students reflect and they monitor their progress to inform their future learning goals. Assessment OF learning - occurs when teachers use evidences of student learning to make judgments on students’ achievement against goals and standards.
In VET schools have to train people to be productive and in order to do that, the students have to be able to do things in practical situations. Schools help the students to gain the necessary competence to face their real life. The assessment is the frame/the guide to the curriculum. The teacher decides the performances that the students have to do in order to demonstrate their skills and abilities. Based on the abilities you can define the curriculum. The curriculum becomes the tool for the developing tasks.
When we speak about curriculum we naturally speak about learning outcomes: how then the curriculum directs the development of studies? Curriculum is increasingly seen by stakeholders as dynamic framework...but is it like this in all European countries and outside Europe? I can´t now speak about all countries and their curricula but I can give general thoughts about how much the curriculum follows and guides the studies. I would recognize that curriculum is not only for improving the human capital potential of educational and training graduates but also I am thinking the other side of the coin: can a curriculum be one of the greatest obstacles on the educational system for the labor market? And what about the assessment? Is it going to be the curriculum as the frame for the assessment or is it vice versa? If we consider the learning outcomes when we develop a curriculum we must also evaluate the students’ learning, the understanding and also if the students are able to apply the knowledge and the skills to the labor market. For teachers, usually when a curriculum is built on the knowledge, skills and competences that learners can acquire through an interdisciplinary approach, it is more challenging than traditional approaches but also more flexible.
Teacher - as in Finland - can tailor the approach on the needs of the learner and applying innovative pedagogic and assessment procedures. For learners it is even better because they have opportunity to learn actively and see the progression in the studies and the integration in the labor market.
When we speak about curriculum we also speak about evaluation. Assessments are meant to improve the learning and teaching process: Assessment FOR learning occurs when teachers use inferences about students’ progress to inform their teaching; assessment AS learning - occurs when students reflect and they monitor their progress to inform their future learning goals. Assessment OF learning - occurs when teachers use evidences of student learning to make judgments on students’ achievement against goals and standards.
In VET schools have to train people to be productive and in order to do that, the students have to be able to do things in practical situations. Schools help the students to gain the necessary competence to face their real life. The assessment is the frame/the guide to the curriculum. The teacher decides the performances that the students have to do in order to demonstrate their skills and abilities. Based on the abilities you can define the curriculum. The curriculum becomes the tool for the developing tasks.
- Finnish National Board of Education National Qualification Requirement For Vocational Education and Training http://www.opetushallitus.fi/english/sources_of_information/core_curricula_and_qualification_requirements/vocational_education_and_training
- Cully Melissa Curriculum Development, Creating Plan for each curriculum area retrived on http://712educators.about.com/od/curriculumandlessonplans/a/plan_of_study.htm
- Research paper n.6 on Learning outcomes approaches in VET curricula, a comparative analysis of nine European countries, Luxembourg, pubblication of European Union 2010 retrieved on http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/Files/5506_en.pdf
- Council of the European Union (2008). Conclusions of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within he Council of 22 May 2008 on promoting creativity and innovation through ducation and training. Official Journal of the European Union C 141, 7 June 2008, p. 17-20. retrieved on http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2008:141:0017:0020:en:PDF
- CPI (National Institute for Vocational Education and Training) (2007). National
Institute for Vocational Education and Training in development of a common
European VET area. Pubblication of European Union 2007, retrieved on http://www.cpi.si/files/cpi/userfiles/Publikacije/ESF_eng.pdf
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