
entrepreneurial camp in Espoo

Finally I have got time and power to sit and write something about the espoo experience. Two days about the connection between education and entrepreneurship but surprise surprise I was also waiting also some basics about entrepreneurship. What do I mean? for instance some basics about "how to settle a business" or what kind of form on business are existing and so on....
Well anyhow the days went quite smoothly and the second day I really enjoyed and I found pretty useful.
The Thursday we went through our pretask: a pitch about entrepreneurship pedagogy and also a swot analysis about a charity education institute in UK.
Can we teach entrepreneurship? can we give to everybody same skills? or is it a good entrepreneur born such as one? Probably after these two days I am more and more thinking that they are people who have got such a talent but in other hand I am also thinking that we could give some basic and prepare people for the labour market. For sure not all of them will be such a good entrepreneur but for sure we can give our shot to give him/her some basics.
Second day I enjoyed a lot: we had this task to transform a board game into a digital version: we gave several ideas, all of them very good and useful and the "judges" seemed like all of them.
When you study a product you need to look all around you and study the different possibilities (Litlle bit when you are lost in a town: you look everywhere just to understand where you are and where you want to go): to be a good entrepreneur you need to be: creativity, attitude, and so many other skills. About this
 is funny to read this article for example: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCDV_76.htm
So it is possible to teach all these qualities?or you just born with them?
Yes - it ´s possible. The starting point is to give to the students possibility to see where their network leads.
Network is something that I was able to build when I moved here in Oulu: I started with some small school, I went to meet people, I made phone calls and so. I did everything what it tooks to let the people know me (for instance I called every year for 4 years in row one Comunity College next to my place to get the place there. Always was the same answer....we don´t need Italian teacher cause we have one already. Until they called me!)
So sometimes is really matter also of attitude and approach to life. How we could improve the entrepreneurial skills in the school? to answer that question I need to interview someone who went to school and he/she is an entrepreneurial.

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