
More reflections about my learning path and some answers for my DP feedback

I define myself as a social person, even though in my family I am the quietest one. I enjoy to be around people:I love to work in groups and I can work also easily as an individual. In groups of 2-4 people in an specific task I work pretty easy. Bigger group (for instance our iVet) it's suitable for me to give me the whole picture or the whole process and different reactions and knowledge in front of the things. I am conscious now that a group as its own life and we have to take as much as possible during the phase of the max activity.
As A learner I discovered during these studies how important is to share ideas, paths, questions with other learners. We have that kind of situation ( learning from others) in front of us everyday if we think about children. The children copy other children. In adult world pf course we don't copy others but we can have from others the right support to come up with a brillian idea. As a teacher I discover how much more the teaching itself is engaging me when I make my students work in collaborative learning tasks. From there comes new ideas, problems and healthy discussions. I am totally in and it's look so democratic! The time goes faster, nobody sleep and I am actually feeling that I am giving something to the people. Covering different learning styles and especially that one which is for me the weakest make me feel more efficient. It's a challenging when sometimes in front of me there are different generation of students that are especting to learn according with the old methods. I am different teacher since I began these studies path: before my willing to learn and to give was restricted to my job: now I would like to espand and catch all the opportunities out there. Become intrapreneur of my own life ( at the end it's me who pays).Go global. Save the world and take with me all those students that share with me the will to improve and take risks. I am more and more sure that we could create a better community if we just help learners to understand basic values and take risks.
Like I said in my previous post I enjoyed the virtual studies and specifically to these ones I would probabily change our study platform such Optima and give us the possibility to choose what learning platform could be more suitable for the whole group. This process could take time I know but at least not complains ;) I would prefer having more contact days with the group and the tutors. Maybe not so much but only three times per year 2 days are quite low. We are quite far for having the vocational teaching done completely on line so a bit more contact days wouldn't be bad for me. Like I said I am social person so I am a social teacher. Not perfect one, I do also make mistakes and get bad feedback. What I do when I go those ones? I took my entrepreneur attitude and using the bad one as a incentive for re building the whole process. I don't give up.

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