
from Learning to learn to Clearning

these Posts  are from my previous blog which is NO LONGER IN USE. From now on I will write in here cLearning. I didn´t want to trush what I wrote and I didn´t want to make a link to the there (it´s too confusing for me). 

I met in skype my working group. They seems very nice people and I am glad cause they helped me so much to understand what it was going on....We had anyway to call Juha, our tutor and figure out how a presentation will be. It´s good to use Optima and I think it´s pretty handy platform to use.
Juha suggested to read a pdf document in Optima. It seems that we have to focus our presentation on Learning theories and different kinds of learners. I am going to make a research on the Learning theories...let´s see if I can still deal with philosophy. ;)

I am looking forward to start my work. I know already that I will meet 3 completely new classes this year. 2 classes of beginners and one class of cooking. Actually this cooking class are most of them my students but from different courses and contest so I have to build a group again.
Building the group is one of the most important thing for me and it´s important that I succeed: without a group  there is no class. In Finland people are shy and they don´t immediately make a contact with other people even though my courses are for adults and are taken as hobbies. Most of my first days I spend to brake the ice. I usually use technique published in www.salto-youth.net. There I find a lot of resources. When the course start it takes normally from 3 to 4 times before I say - ok I have now the group. Once I have "destroyed" their walls against other people throught group work, pair work and jokes I start to see better what kind of person I have in front of me.
I usually ask them:
- if they study before any languages
- why they want to learn Italian
- have they ever been in Italy
- did they study before Italian
- what is the best way to learn a language
the last question I guess is related to the topics of this DP and most of the time people are answering same way...listen the teacher and make homework.
They are expecting me to fill their head with information and eventually they learn by doing exercises (by the way grammar exercises) at home.....
that´s the moment when I say that grammar won´t be necessary our topics here: we have also to learn culture, gestures, vocabulary, listening etc etc.....they look at me relief - at least most of them - and so I can start.
Rule number 1: if you are tired don´t come to the class. I prefer you stay home and come when you are ready to participate to the activities of the class.
Rule number 2: at the end of the course you need to know at least all the names of your classmates...so make contact with them!
Rule number 3: we learn a language cause we want to speak: if you mistake is NOT the end of the world.
Rule number 4: enjoy during this class:  it ´s your hobby >>> your doctor didn´t order you to come here.

I understand that are different learners. I try during my class to give each of them something that help them to learn better. It´s not always easy, I hope the new students will understand my way of teaching.

it´s 8:44 p.m : my husband is watching TV next to me and my child is running around the house.I am trying to concentrate and I wish next house has at least two more rooms so that everybody ESPECIALLY ME  has own space. This week has been hard. I lost my god father. He was close to me even though I live 3000 kms away. Again - I won´t attend his funeral. I have no money and plenty work to do. I am sure he will understand. My work is approaching as so is the Virtual Presentation in AC: on 15.8 we will have a meeting with my group of Marsian in skype. I wrote severals emails and left messages in forum three days ago: I hope some of them soon will answer me. The idea of the group working is stimulating but also quite difficult to make when you leave far away. In add this virtual session about TUTORING and LEARNING the difficulty for me is to make an internet presentation but same time interactive and interesting for the listeners  Everything is new for me: the people, the system and the contest.
My courses are also approaching: yesterday started the enroll to the Oulunsalo and Kempele Comunity Colleges. Now it starts this kind of period that I don´t know how many course I have. The Oulunsalo Comunity College belongs now to Oulu area so the minimum of participants raised from 8 to 10. In same subjects - like minority languages such as Italian - sometimes is difficult to collect 10 people interested to learn Italian even in large community such as Oulunsalo. For sure, at the moment I have Italian 4, Italian 1 and the Italian food class. I started this post trying to think and following the guide line posted in our Optima studies environment:

I never ask myself those questions and I think that now when I start to work again they will find an answer.


Last two days I have been spending to think how to analyze my Personal Learning Experience. I found really useful instruction from this web site: http://www.stritch.edu/Admissions/Credit_for_Prior_Learning/Experiential_Learning_Essays.aspx
I am going to follow also their idea how to write but using the directions that my tutors gave me.
I had already on my mind the map how to build it before look at this web site. But let´s say this way: gave me tips on what to write about and what not write.

I still feel sorry that I couldn´t partecipate to the Starting Day and didn´t have possibility to meet my class mates and gets inspired by them.
I like the idea of sharing ideas and methods: I have been missing those lately so much.
I have been changing my blog pages already three times. This is my decision. I will keep this one.
As soon as possible I am going to change the addresse also in Optima.
Create this blog hasn´t be easy at all: I have to figure out first what kind of blog, I wanted what it suites for me. I like when the web sites are well organize and it easy to find things. I hope this is suitable and clear first for me - cause should help me to understand afterwords the develop what I made -but also for the person who is going to evaluate this work. I hope I will get many critics and advices sio that I can improve this path and going to the right direction.

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