
My blended course starts next week: thoughts

Here we go again. Next week, little by little, all the courses will start. And with them challenging. I am full of enthusiasm and I am ready to begin. The real new adventure will be this on line Italian course: we will use "AnyMeeting" as platform. I don´t know the program but it´s cheaper than Adobe Connect. I though that I could use Google hangouts (as my colleague suggested) but I have at the moment over 16 students so it´s not the best solution.I spoke a lot in this blog about the e-learning and the advantages that e-learning can give to the students. However me and the principal we decided don´t take away the social part of the learning.The students will be in the same room and once in a month I am going to visit them. I will then understand the deeply meaning of evaluation: how to evaluate myself at first and how to evaluate the learning. It will be interesting.
I will try to use all the tools what I learnt from my path in OAMK but I am also looking forward the feedback from the students at the end and during the course.
How evaluation in e-learning can be done? by evaluation I don´t mean numbers, but I mean "how can I know that students are learning". And also: using the computer is going to be (for some of them) distracting from learning the language? with Adobe Connect at the beginning I had the feeling that I was learning something new and not related strictly with my field of work (education). At the end I realized that I can use the IT competences also in my classes. Not only books, teachers material form teacher guide.  I started to use programs as Prezi and Popplet also during my classes. Why not try on line course?
My work situation is changing so I have to change according with it. This is only the first step.
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